What happens to your period with a contraceptive implant?

November 30, 2021 1 min read

What happens to your period with a contraceptive implant?

Nexplanon (or Implanon) is a small, thin rod (similar in size to a matchstick) that is placed discreetly just under the skin of the non-dominant upper arm and releases a low, steady dose of hormones into your body to help prevent pregnancy. It must be removed and replaced every few years to continue preventing pregnancy. It’s an effective, long-term contraception that can be removed at any time for any reason, but it’s not for everyone, so please speak to your doctor if you are considering a contraceptive implant.

Side effects can include changes in your period, including the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea, pronounced uh-men-o-REE-uh), sore breasts, vaginal inflammation or dryness, abdominal or back pain and/or weight gain. ( Click here for a full list of associated potential side effects.)

The most common side effect of Nexplanon is a change in your normal menstrual bleeding pattern; Your period may be longer or shorter, or you may have no bleeding at all. The time between periods may vary and you may also have spotting between periods.

Everyone is different and we recommend using natural panty liners to protect your underwear and having a backup stash of natural pads at the ready for an unexpected period.

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